Here's just a small sampling of some of our projects we’ve worked on in the 10+ years we have been in business
Mount maunganui home
A beautiful, modern example of the traditional weatherboard villa. A grand home that connects seamlessly between the inside living spaces and outdoor alfresco and pool areas.
New Zealand’s leading housing development, only a select few Architectural firms had their designs scrutinized by a review panel before being accepted into the development. Medium density living in New Zealand at its best with terraced, duplex and standalone houses included in our portfolio of homes.
Removing an existing cottage left a small lot in which to create two stunning townhouses. The brief was clear, an architectural home fit for a couple with visits from the extended family. Modern and sophisticated, but maintain the essence of a family home.
3d model presentation
At Bishop Architecture we use 3d modelling to present to our clients. See your dream come to life be. There is no better way to experience your future home then through the latest 3d software available.